MP PSC-2012
Name of Post : Assistant Director/District Statistical Officer
Subject : Statistics and Economics Knowledge
Max. M. 200
Section- "A" Statistics
This question paper contains objective type questions of 50 marks and descriptive questions of 50 marks.
Concept of a statistical population and sample from a population; qualitative and quantitative data; discrete and continuous data; Diagrammatic and graphical representation of grouped data. Frequency distributions, cumulative frequency distributions and their graphical representation. Histogram, frequency polygon and ogives, Concepts of central tendency, dispersion, skewness and kurtosis and their measures. Bivariate data; Product moment correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, correlation ratio, intracall correlation, correlation index, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. Principle of least squares. Fitting of linear regression and related results, fitting of curves reducible to polynomials by transformation. Multiple and partial correlation. Definitions of Probability, Random experiment, Sample space, event, conditional probability, independence of events, Baye's theorem and its applications. Random variables and their definitions. Binomial, Poisson and normal distributions.
Section- "B" Economics
This question paper contains objective type questions of 50 marks and descriptive questions of 50 marks.
Concept of Micro Economics, Economics Laws, Utility, Marginal & Total Utility. Law of diminishing marginal utility. Law of equi-marginal utility. Indifference curve & consumer's equilibrium, elasticity of demand, measurement of elasticity of demand. Consumer surplus. Costs of production & Revenue curves. Market & types of market areas. General price & Market price. Principles of distribution, Marginal Productivity theory, Modern theory Modern theory of Rent, Wages, Interest & Profit. Macro Economics, National Income, Measurements of National Income, G.D.P., N.N.P., Percapita Income, Personal Income, Environmental problems in India, Deforestation, Air & Water pollution and their Economic Implications. Money, Functions of money, importance, money inflation and definition; functions of Bank, Central Banking, Functions of a Central Bank, RBI Function & Credit control. Classical theory of employment, theory of keynesian income and employment. Regional planning regional (sectoral) and spatial integrations, Strategy for balanced regional development. Concept of public income & expenditure, principle of maximum social advantage, Budget, methods to prepare to budget, Zero budget, deficit finance. India's foreign trade during five year plans. New changes & dimensions in imports & exports of India, Balance of trade and Balance of payment and Measures for correcting the disequilibrium, Balance of Payment.
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